Laure Zago, PhD

Laure Zago is a cognitive neuroscientist (CNRS). Her research interests concern the cerebral lateralization of visuospatial attention and number cognition.

After a PhD in Human Biology (Neuropsychology and Cognitive Sciences) obtained in 2000, she spent two years in a post-doctoral fellowship at Steve Kosslyn Lab (Harvard University, Cambridge) and Moshe Bar Lab (Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Boston). In 2003, she joined the GIN located in Caen (Centre Cyceron), then in Bordeaux in 2012. Since january 2016, the GIN constitutes a team of the IMN. There, she develops three main projects in the field of hemispheric specialization.
The first one concerns the study of the cerebral bases of spatial attention associated to attentional behavioral biases, called “pseudoneglect” in healthy subjects. The second project is aimed at investigating the cerebral bases of calculation in relationship with the cerebral lateralization of visuo-spatial processes and langage. The third one is to evidence the different patterns of complementary hemispheric specialization of language and spatial attention, and to explore their effects on cognition in healthy subjects. She uses a multimodal approach by combining structural and functional neuroimaging data, cognitive and behavioral laterality data.

Scientific domains : cerebral lateralisation, spatial attention, complementary hemispheric specialization, calculation, neuroimaging
