Ginesis Lab

Ginesis Lab concentrate its researches on the life cycle of the data and their processing, with the goal of marketing a solution of management of large volumes of data for basic research but also within the framework of preclinical and clinical studies.




The collaboration between the GIN-IMN and the Cadesis company, launch in 2013 via the ANR project BIOMIST, is strengthen by the creation of a joint laboratory. Created for three years, this laboratory aims at doing researches on the management and processing of large biomedical databases, integrating cerebral images of several thousands of individuals.
Jointly managed by Marc Joliot (Senior scientist at CEA, GIN-IMN) and Philippe Boutinaud (Manager for research and development of Cadesis), this LabCom will integrate:

  • Scientists and engineers of the GIN-IMN who study the human brain through the acquisition of multimodal psychometric, genetic, anatomical and functional database;
  • A team of Cadesis which main activity consists in developing and distributing solutions for management of biomedical imaging.

About the GIN-IMN: GIN-IMN studies neural, genetic and cognitive bases of the hemispheric specialization of the human brain. The GIN’s experimental approach is based on the acquisition and the analysis of large multimodal databases including genetic, psychometric, neuroanatomical (anatomical and diffusion MRI) and neurofunctional (functional MRI) data of the human brain. The GIN is affiliated and supported in the creation of the joint laboratory by the French Atomic Energy Commission, whose one of the missions is to develop state-of-the-art technique contributing to the knowledge in the health domain.

About Cadesis: Cadesis Company is a SME created in 1999, which possesses a global expertise in the deployment of information systems, the definition and the optimization of business process. Cadesis dedicates 11 % of his turnover (10M€ to activities of R&D on two main axes: the data management for the industry and for the biomedical imaging.

