Our multidisciplinary team brings together scientists from different backgrounds: mathematics and instrumentation in medical imaging, nuclear medicine, signal processing, psychiatry and cognitive neuroscience, who study the cognitive, behavioral, genetic, morphological and functional foundations of hemispheric specialization (HS).
Created in 1989 in Orsay, the GIN actively participated in the development of neuroimaging in France. At the origin of the first functional image of the brain acquired in PET-scan in 1989, its history is full of events highlighting the history of the discipline.
Key figures 2017
21,000 citations articles since the GIN’s creation
15,000 participants whose MRI data are analyzed
260 publications in the field of neuroimaging
67 H factor
38 PhD theses defended
28 years of operation
Today, the activity of the GIN-IMN is organized around four main themes: population neuroimaging, neuroimaging of hemispheric specialization, cerebral connectivity and neuroimaging of integrated human cognition.
Team leaders
- Michel THIEBAUT DE SCHOTTEN, research director at the CNRS
- Emmanuel MELLET, research director at the CNRS