The BIOMIST (BIO Medical research Imaging SemanTic data management) project is an ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) founded project (n° ANR-13-CORD-0007) for thematic axis n°2 of the Contint 2013 Call for Proposal: from content to knowledge and big data. It began November 1st 2013 and will end April 30th 2017.
The objective is to provide researchers in the field of biomedical imaging (BMI) with an efficient information system in order to help them make optimal use of their data during their research activities on large group of subjects, and to enable the reuse of available data for clinic and fundamental research in a context and for a purpose other than the one for which they have been acquired. The collaboration between the GIN-IMN and the Cadesis company is strengthen in 2016 by the creation of a joint laboratory Ginesis Lab.

